Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon Subspecialist in foot and ankle surgery
I qualified from Imperial College London medical school in 2007. I undertook specialist orthopaedic training in London in the North West Thames London Deanery. During my training, I have had a broad exposure to orthopaedics in general, foot and ankle pathology and trauma. During my national training in the London Deanery, I have worked at St. Mary’s Major trauma centre and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital where I gained experience in managing complex foot and ankle pathology, reconstructive surgery and trauma. I subsequently undertook a specialist foot and ankle fellowship at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford, covering deformity corrections and arthritic conditions. This was followed by a foot and ankle fellowship at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, with further experience in complex foot and ankle trauma, and diabetic foot conditions. I was appointed as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon to West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust in 2019.
I maintain an active involvement in teaching surgical trainees. I am a member of the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society and I keep my knowledge and skills up to date by regularly attending conferences and educational courses. I have published research in peer reviewed journals and I have presented my research work at national and international conferences. I am a reviewer of research articles for several peer reviewed journals. I was awarded a place on the BOA leadership programme and I have developed quality improvement projects in patient education and promoting a patient centred approach to management. I have been actively involved with the teaching and management of complex ankle fractures, having delivered several courses aimed at higher trainees and consultants.
My practice covers all foot and ankle conditions, such as bunion, arthritis of the foot and ankle, sports injuries, tendon and ligament problems, deformity correction, Morton neuromas, heel pain, plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, ankle fractures and tendon ruptures. I have a specialist interest in minimally invasive and arthroscopic surgery, shockwave therapy for heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and arthroscopic ankle fusion and total ankle replacement.
I firmly believe in a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to managing my patients. Your involvement and education is key throughout the consultation and treatment pathway.
White, C.J., Seyed-Safi, P., Ieong, E. and Rudge, B., 2024. Gastrocnemius Release in the Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, pp.1-14.
De Sa R, Shah N, Ieong E. Safety of Early Weightbearing after Ankle Fracture Fixation. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2023
Kwok IH, Ieong E, Aljalahma MA, Haldar A, Welck M. Extracorporeal shock wave treatment in foot and ankle fracture non-unions—A review. The Foot. 2022 May 1;51:101889.
Mason LW, Malhotra K, Houchen-Wollof L, Mangwani J, Harb Z, Richardson R, Gadd R, Kerr A, Clay W, Mallick A, Bhargava A, Ieong E. The UK foot and ankle COVID-19 national (FAlCoN) audit–Regional variations in COVID-19 infection and national foot and ankle surgical activity. Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2022 Feb 1;28(2):205-16.
Ieong E, Keith T, Robinson AH. Osteoarthritis of the ankle. Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2020 Feb 1;34(1):37-43
Ieong, E., Rafferty, M., Khanna, M., Walker, M., & Rosenfeld, P. Use of Fat-Suppressed T2-Weighted MRI Images to Reduce the Magic Angle Effect in Peroneal Tendons.Foot & ankle specialist, 2018. 1938640018819783.
Nahas, S., Ieong, E., Logishetty, K., Mahapatra, P., & Nathwani, D. The Use of Personalized Video Training for Orthopaedic Surgeons. Musculoskeletal care, 2016. 14(3), 180-184.
Mahapatra P, Ieong E. Improving Documentation and Communication Using Operative Note Proformas. BMJ Open Quality. 2016 Jan 1;5(1): u209122-w3712
Ieong E, Mahapatra P, Huber CP. “Arthroscopic Coblation and Saucerisation of Discoid Medial Meniscus - A Novel Technique”, J Orthop Res Physiother 2015, 1: 017
Jarchi, D., Lo, B., Ieong, E., Nathwani, D., & Yang, G. Z. Validation of the e-AR sensor for gait event detection using the Parotec foot insole with application to post-operative recovery monitoring.IEEE Trans Neural SystRehabil Eng. 2015 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print]
Imbuldeniya, A. M., Ieong, E., Picard, F., & Nathwani, D. (2014). (iv) Technology assisted unicompartmental knee replacement: results and functional outcomes. Orthopaedics and Trauma, 28(5), 303-308.
Ieong E, Mahapatra P, Nathan S. Fashioning autologous bone graft from the fibula in the transfibular approach to open ankle arthrodesis. Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2013
Ieong E, Nathwani D. A Simple Tip for Removal of a ‘Stubborn’ Tibial Nail. Injury Extra. 2013
Sadri A, Dacombe P, Ieong E, Daurka J, De Souza B. Handover in plastic surgical practice: the ABCD principle. Eur J Plast Surg. 2013
Ieong E, Afolayan J, Little N, Solan M, Pearce C. The incidence and natural history of forefoot scar pain following open hallux valgus surgery.Foot Ankle Spec. 2013;6(4):271-5
Mahapatra P, Ieong E. Should We All Join the YouTube Generation?Journal of surgical education. 2013
Ieong E, Afolayan J, Carne A, Solan M. Ultrasound scanning for recalcitrant plantar fasciopathy. Basis of a new classification.SkeletalRadiol. 2013;42(3):393-8
Ieong E, Lemon M. A knot quicker and easier than Whip stitching in ACL reconstruction. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2012;94(5):367
Mallawaarachchi C, Ieong E, Matthews D, Qamar I, Das S. Primary Aorto-enteric Fistula arising from Aortic Dissection. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2009; 17: 61-62
Ieong E, Haji G, Gathani T, Sadri A, Nott D. True One Handed Laparoscopic Knot Technique; The Nott Technique. The Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2009; 91: 513 - 525.
Luo Y, Ma D, Ieong E, Sanders RD, Yu B, Hossain M, Maze M. Xenon and sevoflurane protect against brain injury in a neonatal asphyxia model.Anesthesiology. 2008 Nov; 109(5):782-9